Breach & Attack Simulation

Validate The Efficacy of Your Security Controls
in Minutes

Powered by AttackIQ, the industry’s leading Security Optimization Platform, Breach and Attack Simulation tests provide quick and automated recommendations to strengthen security controls, prioritize vulnerability fixes, and guide strategic decisions.

Validate controls against real-world Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures (at no extra cost).

Reduce Claim Severity and Frequency

Simulate cyber attacks to uncover vulnerabilities early, reducing the frequency and severity of claims.

Input for Compliance Audit & Board Reporting

BAS tests deliver critical insights for audits and board reports, highlighting security compliance gaps and guiding decisions.

Enhance Cost Efficiency of Manual Pen Tests

Combining automated BAS tests with manual pen tests helps organizations prioritize vulnerability fixes, instead of just identififying them, driving better utilization of security budgets.

Your BAS testing exposed a critical gap! While Defender caught the basic Mimikatz, it missed the obfuscated version cybercriminals use. This valuable insight will help us strengthen our defenses.

IT Security Director, Logistics Company

Run a wide range of tests to rapdily validate
your security posture.

Content Filter Test

Evaluates your firewall’s effectiveness in blocking viruses, malware, and ransomware.

Endpoint Antivirus Test

Tests the effectiveness of your antivirus software against common attacks and malware.

Endpoint EDR Test

Assesses your EDR’s ability to detect threats like credential theft and persistent attacks, based on the MITRE ATT&CK framework.

Network Control Validation

Tests defenses against command and control (C2) communication and evaluates firewall capabilities.

Adversary Emulation Packages

Offers detailed simulations of real attacker tactics, featuring groups like Kimsuky, Lazarus, Nobelium, OilRig, and Turla.

Cyber Resilience starts here.

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